Signum Aviation awarded ISO 9001 standard


Signum Aviation, the UK-based flight support company, has been awarded the international quality standard ISO 9001-2015.

Signum is using the accreditation to target European and North American operators that demand, and acknowledge, the high standards ISO 9001 standard guarantees in terms of quality assurance.

“We recognise the importance of showing our customers that we operate to the highest internationally recognised quality standards.”

Jonathan Gill, managing director of Signum Aviation said: “We recognise the importance of showing our customers that we operate to the highest internationally recognised quality standards. This sector of the industry remains largely unregulated, so the ISO 9001 indicates the level of operational excellence customers can expect from us. They know what it takes to achieve an ISO 9001 and understand the benefits of working with a business that has achieved it. I am extremely proud our team’s hard work in achieving this goal.”

Signum Aviation provides flight planning and operations support to an international client base spanning North America, Europe, Africa, China and the Middle East. Clients include Heads of State in Europe and Africa, government aircraft and a number of high net worth individuals across the globe.

Founded in 2007, with just one client, Signum has grown to handling over 7,000 flights a year for a wide range of aircraft, from Citation Mustangs to Boeing 747s.