Pre-owned business jet prices pick-up but sales slow down


JETNET September 2013 data

JETNET says pre-owned business jet stay on the market for longer but sell for higher prices in September 2013 report.
JETNET September 2013 data

JETNET September 2013 data.

The average asking price for pre-owned business jets has increased by 11.4 per cent when compared with last year, according to the September 2013 report from JETNET, but sales have lagged throughout the first nine months of the year, taking an additional 31 days to close.

The table above from JETNET indicates a slightly lower percentage of pre-owned business jets and business turboprops for sale in September 2013, when compared with September 2012, but an increase in turbine and piston aircraft transactions.

At the end of September 2013, 13.2 per cent of the world’s 19,298-strong business jet fleet was listed for sale. The differences between the figures contained in JETNET’s latest report, compared with the data from July 2013, suggest that the business jet fleet increased by 104 aircraft, while the inventory of used business actually increased by 20 aircraft, despite a 0.3 point drop.

Between January and September 2013, there were 1,640 full sale business jet transactions, with each aircraft taking an average of 401 days to sell and fetching around $5 million.
