Pratt & Whitney endorses Sustainable Skies Act


Pratt & Whitney and various other industry groups have signed a letter of endorsement for a newly introduced bill that would establish a blender’s tax credit for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

The Sustainable Skies Act would create a $1.50-$2.00/gal. blender’s tax credit for SAFs in an effort to help boost demand for SAFs and stimulate necessary investments in production infrastructure. SAF currently provides less than 1% of aviation’s global fuel need.

Geoff Hunt, Pratt & Whitney’s senior vice president, engineering & technology, set out the importance of SAFs and how measures like the blender’s tax can help the industry to reach 100% adoption. “The answer to more sustainable aviation is not asking people to travel less. The answer is in employing smarter, more environmentally friendly technologies to help people and cargo take flight,” said Hunt. “Our industry has proven its ability to meet any challenge with practical and pragmatic solutions and we can, and must, do it again.”

Through participation in organisations like Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International, Pratt & Whitney has been active in developing the technical standards for SAFs, as well as advocating for their wider usage across the aviation industry. “We stand ready to continue working with regulatory bodies to develop the standards that will allow SAFs to be used beyond the current 50% maximum blend level permitted by today’s regulations,” added Hunt.