Leading business jet & helicopter lawyers


Business aircraft transactions are extremely complicated and investing in a specialist lawyer will save you time as well as money.

It may seem an extravagance to hire a specialist business aviation lawyer, but a good one will save you time and money. Financiers and manufacturers will also tell you this, as experienced counsel on both sides makes closing deals much easier.

Buying and financing a business jet or helicopter is a very complicated and extremely specialised process. Educating a non-specialist is time consuming and (therefore) expensive. It can be extremely costly if something goes wrong. Corporate Jet Investor maintains a database of leading business jet and helicopter lawyers, featuring biographies, contact details, client testimonials and expert advice from the lawyers on key issues and legal developments.

Recommended business jet lawyers

Corporate Jet Investor maintains a database of leading business jet and helicopter lawyers, featuring biographies, contact details, client testimonials and expert advice from the lawyers on key issues and legal developments.

Lawyers do not pay to be listed. The only way to make it is by being recommended by a client or another lawyer. To nominate an exceptional corporate aircraft lawyer please email: [email protected]

Law firms with global business jet practices

Including Clyde & Co, Kennedys, Mayer Brown JSM, Stephenson Harwood, Vedder Price.

Leading US business aviation lawyers

Including 18 firms and 26 lawyers.

The UK’s top business jet and helicopter lawyers

Including 21 firms and 38 lawyers.

Asia’s leading business jet and helicopter lawyers

Including nine firms and nine lawyers.

Business jet lawyers in Africa and the Middle East

Including four firms and six lawyers.

Europe’s top business jet and helicopter lawyers

Including 10 firms and 12 lawyers.