Jetex to offer clients SAF with 360 Jet Fuel book-and-claim system


Jetex has partnered with distributor  360 Jet Fuel to offer its customers access to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) through a  book-and-claim system.

Jetex’s new 360 Green Fuel book-and-claim system enables customers to source SAF based on their entire carbon emissions from business aviation flight travel  in one transaction. This means that SAF can be sourced for Jetex flights, even when a physical SAF supply isn’t available. The partnership with 360 Jet Fuel aims to guarantee the credibility of emission reductions by using third-party auditing of the system.

 Where transporting SAF to an airport is impractical or could lead to higher greenhouse gas emissions, the book-and-claim system aims to provide a workable solution that enables carbon reductions.

Clients who use the option will be able to claim the carbon emission reductions by purchasing the amount of SAF (to be used on another flight) that corresponds to the amount of fossil fuel used on their flight. They will then receive a certificate specifying the amount of SAF purchased and an audited statement outlining the CO2 reduction.

“The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about my family, my children and grandchildren, is how will the world be in the coming 30 to 40 years,” said Adel Mardini , founder and CEO, Jetex. [We must] work together with everyone to make the effects of climate change less on our lives and our future.”

To ensure credible emission reductions, 360 Jet Fuel will source SAF quantities from International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) certified suppliers for delivery to a Jetex partner.

The option is available to Jetex customers immediately.
