IADA members raise over $100,000 in support of Ukrainian refugees


International Aircraft Dealers Association (IADA) members rallied round Brian Proctor’s call to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, raising over $100,000 so far.

To help support those forced to leave Ukraine as a result of ongoing conflict, Proctor, CEO of Mente Group and Four Corners Aviation, pledged a gift of $10,000 to a Romanian orphanage that is also assisting Ukrainian refugees. The philanthropic foundation of IADA is matching that gift.

Proctor also asked fellow IADA members for their support, raising over 10x the initial pledge in the process.

“Like most of my colleagues in the aviation industry, I’ve wanted to find a way to provide meaningful support to those most affected by the war in Ukraine,” said Proctor.

Several years ago, Proctor met a couple who had served in Romania as missionaries. While there, the pair saw the “immense” support orphans required in the country, this led them to open a small orphanage, Livada Orphan Care.

“Today, that orphanage is not only serving its intended purpose, but is also caring for over 100 Ukrainian refugees, and the numbers are growing. This is putting a significant strain on the organisation and its resources. We are honoured to provide support and I am very grateful to the IADA Foundation for agreeing to match that gift. I’m also heartened by the generosity of other IADA members and their desire to support this worthwhile effort,” said Proctor.

According to the orphanage, all their open facilities are being used to house orphans and displaced families from Ukraine. Learn more about their efforts to help Ukrainian refugees in Romania.

IADA executive director Wayne Starling said: “The IADA Foundation and board of directors salute Brian’s leadership in extending humanitarian aid to those beleaguered by the war in the Ukraine. We are proud to follow his example in words and actions to help unfortunate refugees, whose lives are impacted by the horrors of war.”