Helicopters damaged in hailstorm
18 helicopters damaged by hail in Germany at private fly in
Over the weekend a private helicopter fly in being held at the White
Bear Hotel in Mulheim
am der Mosel, up to 18 helicopters were damaged by a severe hailstorm that
passed over the area. Tennis ball size hailstones were produced and hit the
helicopters parked at the hotel, the storm being part of Hurricane Bert.
As well as damage to the helicopters, many houses, cars and vehicles were severely damaged. The region’s wine crop for this year
has also been destroyed.
Of the 18 helicopters damaged, six were EC120Bs, an EC135P2+, an
AS350B2, four Enstrom F28s, a Robinson R22B and five R44s. None of the
helicopters could fly out from the hotel and all aircraft had to be moved by