Hangar8 further expands charter fleet
Hangar8 has increased its managed charter fleet to 28 aircraft, with 13 different aircraft types available for charter.
Hangar8 now has 28 aircraft under management with 13 different aircraft
types available from the company for charter, including Bombardier Challengers;
Embraer Phenom 100 and Lineage; Hawker jets and Falcon 2000 EXY. The company’s
charter fleet has grown 50% since November 2010, when Hangar8 was admitted to
Dustin Dryden, Chief
Executive, commented “We are delighted to see the continued strong growth in our
fleet. Importantly, as we have expanded we have also taken the measured
decision to invest in our infrastructure, especially maintenance and training,
to ensure that we are able to efficiently capitalise upon the enhanced
opportunities that our expanded fleet allows. With our strategic focus now
fully encompassing overseas markets, on the back of our strong UK and European
offering, we are well positioned to satisfy global demand in the