Gama Aviation signs up as an operator partner of Stratajet


GAMA Aviation is the latest business aviation operator to sign up to real time online private jet booking platform Stratajet.

ALSO SEE: Stratajet plans to shake-up the private jet market with new online booking service

GAMA Aviation will now integrate its AIROPS 5 aviation management software into Stratajet’s Stratafleet product.

The agreement was signed during 2015s EBACE show in Geneva, Switzerland.

Stratafleet is a complimentary aircraft scheduling tool that Stratajet provide to operators. Data loaded into Stratafleet then integrates with Stratajet, which will give the latter the data it needs to perform live online charter booking when the service launches later in the year.

“We are delighted that another major operator like Gama Aviation has quickly understood the benefits of using the data delivered by the Stratajet system” said Stratajet ceo Jonny Nicol, “This development increases our confidence and adds to the critical mass which will enable Stratajet to provide an effective ‘fleet’ of over 500 aircraft ahead of our full launch to the consumer later this year”.

“Stratajet’s capability gives us another distribution channel alongside our existing broker relationships” said Gama Aviation chief marketing officer Duncan Daines, “Its integration via our own AIROPS 5 software provides a platform for increased quote accuracy, a major benefit for all our client segments, b-to-b or b-to-c ”

Nicol told Corporate Jet Investor earlier in the year that the full launch of Stratajet would happen “Before it snows in London again”.

Nicol’s comments were made during the launch of the company’s ‘Operation Long Reach’ campaign to sign up operators to use the system. Under ‘Operation Long Reach’ Nicol and his team visit one country per week, seeing as many operators as possible.

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