FlightSafety enhances myFlightSafety portal for FAR Part 135 holders


New functionally includes access to instructor and training centre evaluator records

FlightSafety International has announces an enhancement and new functionality
on the myFlightSafety customer portal to support FAR Part 135 certificate

The new functionality includes access to
approved Instructor and Training Centre Evaluator (TCE) records, completed FAA
Airman Competency/Proficiency Check forms, as well as access to required Learning
Centre documentation such as simulator qualification statements, FAR Part 142
certificates, FlightSafety training specifications, and facility
maps. FlightSafety customers will also be able to use myFlightSafety to
initiate the approval process for new aircraft and Learning Centres as well as
request updates to their existing Instructor.

“Our customers have been instrumental
in enhancing the myFlightSafety portal by recommending changes and additions
that will help to improve the efficiency of their flight operation and provide
information that enhances operational control,” said Chris Weinberg, director,
strategy & business development. “Several other improvements to the
myFlightSafety portal, designed specifically for Part 135 operators, are
planned for delivery in early 2012.”

The company also offers Part 135 Operators
that are registered myFlightSafety users the ability to transmit training and
qualification data directly to ARGUS and CharterX/Wyvern for safety reporting
services through its TrainingLink Services product.  Additionally, FlightSafety offers customers
benefits related to a number of other necessary products and services through
the extended advantage programme.