Embraer expands Brazilian network


Aeromecanica Recife

Embraer Executive Jet expands its customer support and service network in north-east Brazil.
Aeromecanica Recife

Aeromecanica Recife.

Embraer Executive Jets announced at LABACE 2014 in São Paulo that it is expanding its customer support and service network into the Brazilian Northeast.

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AeroMecânica, located at Coroa do Avião airfield, in Igarassu, metropolitan Recife, will be the first authorised service centre for line maintenance, scheduled inspections and remote services for Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 jets, in the region.

Edson Carlos Mallaco, vice president customer support and services, said: “Expanding the service offerings is part of a strategic move to support the current and future fleet of Embraer business jets in Brazil. Having a dedicated team to provide better support is a commitment we have with our customers in the Northeast region.”

Luiz Carlos Benetti, general manager at AeroMecânica, added: “The authorisation of our service center in the Northeast reinforces our commitment to Embraer and its customers, by offering greater convenience of maintenance services for Phenom jets in the region.”

AeroMecânica has also been the Embraer authorised service centre in the city of Curitiba for the Phenom jets since 2011.