Embraer and Boeing explore “potential combination”

First Melbourne built Legacy 500
Embraer and Boeing have announced that they are discussing a possible partnership.
In a brief statement on their websites, the two companies confirmed that they are “engaged in discussions regarding a potential combination”.
Newswire Bloomberg has reported that, according to its sources, the Brazilian and US manufacturers are exploring a number of options including a joint venture to share supplier savings and cross-sell their largely complementary families of commercial jets.
But neither company is prepared at this stage to go into detail about the talks and what might come out of them. In their joint statement, they say: “There is no guarantee a transaction will result from these discussions. Boeing and Embraer do not intend to make any additional comments regarding these discussions.”
And when they were contacted by Corporate Jet Investor, neither company would confirm Bloomberg’s story or say whether any of the options being discussed involve their business jet operations.
Nelson Salgado, senior VP external affairs and corporate communications at Embraer, told CJI: “We are not commenting on formats for the potential combination.”
Any agreement between Boeing and Embraer would be subject to the approval of the Brazilian government and regulators, the two companies’ boards of directors, and Embraer’s shareholders.