Credit Suisse: Best Private Bank for Business Jet Finance and Advisory and European Business Jet Financier of the Year


Credit Suisse was awarded European Business Jet Financier of the Year and Best Bank for Business Jet Finance and Advisory by Corporate Jet Investor a specialist international website and event organiser. The awards are chosen by a panel of finance specialists at banks and pre-owned aircraft brokerages.

[nonmember]Credit Suisse was awarded European Business Jet Financier of the Year and Best Bank for Business Jet Finance and Advisory by Corporate Jet Investor a specialist international website and event organiser. The awards are chosen by a panel of finance specialists at banks and pre-owned aircraft brokerages.::join::[/nonmember][ismember]

Michael Rentsch of Credit Suisse Private Bank Aircraft Finance and Alasdair Whyte of Corporate Jet Investor

All Swiss bankers pride themselves on discretion and observing client confidentiality. Credit Suisse is no different. The bank is happy for others to say that it is one of the most active business jet lenders in Europe, but it would prefer not to divulge figures and would never, even accidently, identify a client.

As one of Europe’s largest private banks, Credit Suisse’s network of private bankers  creates many opportunities to bid on a wide range and multiplicity of transactions for the bank’s clients. It is also willing to offer business jet finance to individuals with whom the bank would like to have a relationship.

Credit Suisse’s private aviation team has a tight focus. It will not finance commercial aircraft or helicopters, and it prefers larger transactions. However, apart from these rules it is flexible.. The bank is happy to offer pre-delivery or construction finance, finance leases, Islamic finance and straight loans.

Credit Suisse has a great deal of experience financing aircraft for Eastern European and Russian clients on international registers and is active in the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia. The one market in which it does not compete is North America.

