Cessna rolls out final Citation Mustang


Cessna has rolled out the final Citation Mustang from its Independence Kansas production line. The aircraft will be delivered to an undisclosed customer in the next few weeks.

Once delivered it will bring to an end a 12-year production run that saw 470 aircraft deliveries.

“The Mustang proved to be an incredible success for our company and our customers, and we’re thrilled to celebrate the ingenuity and pride that went in to creating the world’s most popular entry-level light jet,” said Rob Scholl, senior vice president, Sales and Marketing. “We remain dedicated to developing new products and providing solutions that matter to our customers. The Citation M2 is a great example of this and we believe it will carry on the legacy as the entry-level jet that pilots want and need.”

Cessna see the Citation M2 as the natural successor to the Mustang. The M2 was introduced in 2013, and has so far seen over 150 deliveries.