Bombardier issues Covid-19 aircraft cleaning advisory


Bombardier Learjet 75 photographed on May 1, 2019 at KTRM

In response to the continued spread of the novel coronavirus, Covid-19, Bombardier has issued an advisory to owners and operators providing information on disinfecting their Learjet, Challenger and Global series private jets. Bombardier said it had issued the advisory after receiving several enquiries requesting information on how to manage aircraft returning from or travelling to regions affected by the virus.

The advisory states: “While there is no aircraft specific guidance on disinfectants or procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the following information is provided for organizations receiving or dispatching aircraft into affected areas.”

It continues: “Given that COVID-19 is new, no one can yet test their aviation disinfectant products specifically against this strain of the virus. However, coronaviruses are part of the “enveloped viruses” family, which includes other well-known and identified diseases such as influenza. Because of their proven effectiveness against other viruses in the same family, there is confidence that existing aircraft disinfection sprays will work on this new strain.”

Bombardier has also advised that only cleaning products conforming to Aerospace Material Specifications (AMS) should be used.

Informing the advisory, according to Bombardier, are the most current & comprehensive sources of information on COVID-19: the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO is working closely with International Air Transport Association (IATA) and have jointly developed a guidance document to provide advice to cabin crew and airport workers.

The advisory issued by Bombardier can be viewed here.


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