Best business aviation tweets from Dubai Airshow 2013


A Dassault 7X private jet flies over Dubai.

Taking place every two years, Dubai Airshow 2013 was the first time the event was full embraced by social media.
A Dassault 7X private jet flies over Dubai.

A Dassault 7X private jet flies over Dubai.

Like NBAA 2013, this year’s Dubai Airshow saw sky-high levels of engagement on social media rarely associated with aviation’s ageing industry.

We took to Twitter and trawled through the bountiful #DXB13 and #BizAv hashtags to find the best updates that summed-up the air show in 140 characters or less.

Getting ready for the show

Over 50 business aircraft on display

A visit from the UK Prime Minister

A sandstorm arrives in Dubai

Dozens of aircraft paint the sky

Many deals get closed

Lots of coffee gets drunk

Rain stops play on the last day of the show