Aviation Solutions Provider Hawker Pacific to collaborate with Pratt & Whitney Canada on engine maintenance services


Farnborough, England – Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp., announced it has signed an agreement with Hawker Pacific under which the two companies will work together in a number of areas to further enhance the delivery of customer services and solutions. The comprehensive agreement spans most P&WC engine models and diagnostics and prognostics products across all segments: business aviation, general aviation, offshore, utility, regional aviation and defence and security.

“Our agreement with P&WC is a testament to our continued commitment to delivering world class services and support to customers in Asia Pacific and the Middle East,” said Doug Park, COO, Hawker Pacific. “We are thrilled to be working closely with P&WC to further extend their world class service network and deliver exceptional value to our customers who fly with P&WC engines.”

Under the agreement, Hawker Pacific will provide a wide array of maintenance, repair, engineering and customer support services to P&WC engine customers, as well as mobile repair technician services. Hawker Pacific and P&WC will also collaborate on the delivery and installation of P&WC’s diagnostic, prognostics and engine health management solutions, including its FAST prognostics solution, under its Digital Engine Services portfolio.

“Hawker Pacific is a highly regarded maintenance services provider and together we have identified a number of synergies between our two companies that will enable us to further tailor solutions and services that deliver the greatest value to customers,” said Tim Swail, Vice President, Customer Programs, P&WC. “This is one of the most comprehensive service and support agreements we have signed and creates the framework to amplify the level and scope of customer service we are able to provide our operators in the region.