Bombardier delivers first Challenger 605 and Global 5000 to Argentina
Bombardier Aerospace has announced that it has delivered its first Challenger 605 and Global 5000 jets to customers based in Argentina.
Bombardier Aerospace has announced that it has delivered its first Challenger 605 and Global 5000 jets to customers based in Argentina.
The manufacturer says that Challenger jets account for more than half of all large aircraft jets in Latin America, and that it also leads the super large aircraft market in the region.
The Challenger 605 was delivered on April 1 and the Global 5000 on April 20 2010.
Bombardier says that the Challenger 605 jet can carry five passengers from Buenos Aires to Dakar, and Buenos Aires to San Juan Puerto Rico, non-stop. It says that the super large Global 5000 can fly from Buenos Aires to New York or Buenos Aires to Cape Town non-stop, with eight passengers and three crew.